Final Fantasy 14: Heavensward Has Over 5 Million Registered Players

Final Fantasy 14: Heavensward Has Over 5 Million Registered Players

With the recent release of their first major expansion, Heavensward, FINAL FANTASY XIV features a new story which plunges adventurers into the heart of the Dragonsong War, the bloody thousand-year conflict between the knights of Ishgard and the dragons of Dravania.

“As long as it does not fit perfectly, it should not be included in the game, we think”, Tabata stated.

It should also be noted that Final Fantasy XIV is less MMO and more story-driven JRPG with multiplayer support.

It was ported numerous times to more new consoles and to the Windows PC as well. The version reportedly includes some controversial additions, such as, it lets players turn off random enemy encounters.

The latest version of the Role-Playing Game is believed to be best played on new Apple devices like the iPhone 6, 6 plus and iPad Air 2.

A downside to the iOS version of Final Fantasy VII is that users will need a good chunk of spare memory to download the game.

Those who are ready to relive their Final Fantasy days and those who wish to experience why the game was such a hit back when it was released, will be happy to know that they can now summon guardian forces anytime they want on their iOS device with the new “Final Fantasy VII” mobile port recently announced. That game which hindered you from completing your life quest as a Hero of Light in Final Fanasy XIV?

Remember Triple Triad? That destructively addictive card game that distracted Squall and friends while the world crumbled around them in Final Fantasy VIII? also reported that the developers had fulfilled their promise of launching Square Enix iOS Final Fantasy 7 game “before the end of summer” at E3, so it was not a surprise for the gamers. We are not sure why Square Enix would do such a thing but this is definitely a welcome change for impatient mobile players. Square Enix Ltd. also has a global network of leading development studios such as IO Interactive™, Crystal Dynamics® and Eidos Montréal.

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