ESL details new drug testing policies

ESL details new drug testing policies

According to a post on the CS:GO sub-reddit from ESL communications boss Anna Rozwandowicz, the new policy is a small, but “meaningful step forward for professional gamers across all games, ESL as an event organizer, and the esports industry as a whole”.

It may seem odd to imagine that people would take drugs to be better at video games, but the problem is apparently so widespread that the Electronic Sports League (ESL) has instituted sweeping drug policy reforms, which includes randomized testing of competitors for drugs like Adderall, marijuana, and steroids. opines: “Practically, Friesen’s public admission isn’t surprising: esports is a career and has money in it, so just like regular sports, there will be those willing to take some drugs in order to increase their performance”.

In any case, e-sports pros should be glad drug testing wasn’t in effect in 2003, when caffeine was still listed as a banned stimulant on WADA’s list (and there are some in the organization that want it banned once more).

ESL has banned the use of marijuana during the competition, but not before or after.

That’s a rather bold pronouncement from a politician running for governor, but Newsom recently finished working with a Blue Ribbon Commission to issue 58 recommendations for legalizing recreational marijuana use. “Naturally, player’s privacy comes first”, ESL said. These competitors must disclose this information to the ESL as soon as possible, but no later than before the first match. The ESL has stated that it will use saliva tests to ensure that participants are not using any wrong measure. Weed, for example, cannot be consumed “from the start of the first day until the end of the last day of competition” but is acceptable when you’re not competing while coke, steroids and focus-enhancers like Adderall are banned at all times.

The full list of banned substances can be found on the WADA website. That random testing helps eliminate the possibility of gamers popping a Ritalin tablet after passing the drug test.

Exceptions may be made, however, to players with legitimate medical prescriptions for the substances. Players will be allowed to announce if they’re on any kinds of medication before the tournament, and they are not restricted to using any kinds of drugs during their spare time outside the competition.

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