Artist Paints Portrait of Donald Trump with Her Own Menstrual Blood

Artist Paints Portrait of Donald Trump with Her Own Menstrual Blood photo Artist Paints Portrait of Donald Trump with Her Own Menstrual Blood

Marco Rubio’s recent criticism of Trump over the gaffe.

But if Trump didn’t appreciate him asking him about General Soleimani, just wait until Hewitt gets to the Ohio-class submarine.

A crew of about 15 CNNers is assisting Tapper in developing the questions for the contest; Tapper has been receiving tips from just about everyone and has reached out to some Reagan administration veterans for pointers as well. But that doesn’t mean Mr. Hewitt is not coming prepared.

Or, in the case of Trump, unable to distinguish between the Quds and the Kurds.

Painting with blood is strange in any project, but when you combine it with the already highly disturbing facade of Donald Trump, well, you get… art.

“It was a legitimate misunderstanding”, Trump said, blaming his comments about not knowing extremist leaders’ names on the interviewer who had asked about them.

Presidential candidate and billionaire Donald Trump is no stranger to being ridiculed. We can’t think of them right now, but we’re sure they exist.

After waiting a month for her period to arrive, she painted it on Saturday night. “Do you know that one?” There are few people anywhere, anywhere who would’ve known those names. The front-runner, in months of speeches and interviews, has fastidiously avoided discussing policy details.

In the course of his absurd presidential campaign, Donald Trump has managed to make disparaging remarks against both Mexican immigrants and women, with his bizarre remark about Fox News correspondent and debate moderator Megyn Kelly bleeding from her “whatever.” Trump had said the following words following the debate, later retreating his words for fears of a backlash.

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