Apple Relaunches Apple TV With New Design, Remote and Dedicated Apps

Apple Relaunches Apple TV With New Design, Remote and Dedicated Apps photo Apple Relaunches Apple TV With New Design, Remote and Dedicated Apps

According to the Apple TV developer guidelines (via BGR), it seems that app size limitations could be one of the factors that could hold back console-quality games from being developed for the device.

“There is also a Siri (voiced-based) search button on the remote which lets the user talk to the TV and pull out any content of their liking”.

“When you experience TV in this way through an app, you realise how much better it can be”.

The new hardware includes a Siri Remote, while the Apple TV runs the specially-designed tvOS operating system, based on Apple’s iOS. While just rumors, the reports coincide with previous reports that point to Apple also putting new streaming services on the back-burner and showcasing other products, such as the new versions of OS X and iOS.

As predicted for almost a decade, Tim Cook announced at Apple’s September Event that the next iteration of the Apple TV will be able to play games. Sprawler said that if fans are happy with it, they’ll be stoked when the company unveils its VR-enabled Apple TV about six years after that fad has died out. The most significant feature of the company’s new set top box is its newfound focus on playing casual games on the televisions. It will be released this “late October”.

Also during the event, Apple confirmed that mobile versions of Guitar Hero Live and Disney Infinity will be playable through Apple TV. “Nimbus will allow consumers around the world to play fantastic games on Apple TV, iPhone, iPad, and Mac with an unprecedented level of performance”.

The new Siri Remote dramatically simplifies how you select, scroll and navigate through your favorite content while bringing unique interactivity to the new Apple TV by using a glass touch surface that handles both small, accurate movements as well as big, sweeping ones. Apple SVP Eddy Cue said that the company will add additional partners to universal search over time, but it sounds like the search functionality will for the time being restricted to select publishers. The Nintendo Wii hooked kids in with Mario, and Wii Sports convinced parents to join in on the fun, and it looks like Apple wants to follow in Nintendo’s footsteps to control the future of casual gaming.

The new Apple TV will have two variants: 32GB for $149 and 64GB for $199.

Apple will have a hook into numerous home Internet of Things devices through its HomeKit software framework, which is just beginning to appear in products.

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